Submission Guidelines
Accepted File Formats
Before uploading your files for printing, it's always a good idea to make sure image size settings have been correctly for each individual submission and that your image is saved in one of the accepted formats:
Accepted file formats: JPEG, TIFF, PSD, EPS or PDF
Minimum print size: DIN A5
Maximum print size: 110 cm x 300 cm
File printing resolution: 300 DPI
Color mode: Adobe RGB or Grayscale
Color depth: 8 or 16 bits per channel
Print Size & white borders
We kindly request you to submit all files with final print size settings and white borders' dimensions set correctly with a digital imaging tool such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. If that is not possible, please use the 'notes' field (when adding a print to the cart) to transmit all printing requirements. We always get in touch after checkout to make sure we got everything right.
Remember, white borders are part of your print, so please make sure your paper size option is big enough to hold both the printed area and the white border around the image.
For example: a print sized 30 cm x 40 cm when added a white border of 5 cm becomes a print sizes 40 cm x 50 cm. To both width and height values we added twice the width of the white border (assuming we want the image to be centred on the frame).
If your image exceeds 300 DPI, we recommend you to resize it down to that value. If your image resolution is less than 300 DPI we prefer if you leave it as it is instead of applying upsampling algorithms. Lower resolution images can print well too, but in general, when determining the final size of your print, try to stay above 150 DPI in order to avoid pixilation effects. Some uncoated papers can, however, produce beautiful prints from files with resolution as low as 90 DPI. Get in touch if you need technical support before ordering your prints.
ICC Profiles
We always use the correct ICC profiles when printing with commercially available inkjet media. For the remaining media, such as offset uncoated papers or Japanese hand-made papers, we take advantage of many years of experience in inkjet printing to make the right technical decisions that will push your artwork to the next level.

Planning your print layout in advance can be a good way to save money and reduce waste, that's why we always encourage our clients to place as many images as possible in one individual file and order a single print. This way you will be minimising the paper's unprinted area while at the same time taking advantage of the cheaper per square meter cost that comes with printing on rolls instead of cut sheets. This is a service we provide on request. In case you are planning to print your next exhibition with us do get in touch and get our assistance at no extra cost. Please note that if you choose to layout several prints in one print, the cutting service IS NOT included. You can, however, use our facilities and our cutting equipment free of charge. Free, fresh ground, coffee is also included!